The National Engineering Design Development Institute (NEDDI) was commissioned on the 14th of May 1999 by the then Minister of Science and Technology, Major General Sam Muomah, and started operating fully in 2001.
MANDATE: To develop engineering design capacity in the country and its dissemination to the small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs), to ensure that made-in-Nigeria products are globally competitive and globally acceptable.
Realizing the need to input engineering design principles into Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operations to create enabling environments and accelerate the pace of manufacturing goods and services in Nigeria. NEDDI is mandated to improve the quality of design and its development by employing modern methods, engineering softwares and engineering innovations to produce goods and services that will meet the quality assurance, quality control and desirable standards both locally and internationally.
The justification of our mandate, vision and mission is based on the fact that the future of technological growth, manufacturing and breakthrough in Nigeria depends on the nation’s human capacity in engineering design and development. This is the only way we can move forward. This is the only way our Small and Medium scale industries can compete under the new global economic order and produce products that can meet with the world’s standard.