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Motor Vehicle wedge

This is used to prevent motor vehicles from moving or slipping away while on a jack or a slope. It…

Cereal mixing machine

This device was designed to mix different types of powders (fine & rough). It is a low speed machine. It…

Herbal Dryer

The dryer comprises the drying chamber, tray trucks, heating chamber, air distribution system, power system, and control system.  The objectives…


The NEDDI designed and produced Tricycle (passenger type) NASENI TP1, it is a three-wheeled vehicle, having one wheel in the…


NASENI TC1 cargo-type tricycle was designed and produced in NEDDI, Nnewi. The tricycle is designed to carry goods and farm…

A mini biogas plant

This is designed and fabricated for generation of biogas from animal faeces and other biodegradable wastes using appropriate bio-digester.

Dual Powered Egg incubator

This is a device that incubates fertilized egg for hatching under a specified temperature and humidity. In this context, we…

Throwing wheel

This is the device for throwing clay for the production of ceramic materials

Nodal Safety Switch

The Nodal safety switch, as the name implies is designed to help conserve electrical energy and to protect our electrical…

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